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  1. #67

    Dabei seit
    Zitat Zitat von InuYasha Beitrag anzeigen
    Diesmal poste ich hier ein Lied von Bushido (Alles wird gut).


    Dieses Leben ist nicht immer dankbar, nein dieses Leben ist nicht immer leicht
    Und manchmal denkst du du bist ganz allein
    Und du begreifst nun das jeder auf dich scheißt
    Und du lässt jetzt deine Tränen raus und weinst
    Jeder versucht dir deine Träume auszureden
    Weil sie hoffen das du anfängst aufzugeben
    Und du fragst dich wann hört er bloß auf der Regen
    Können sie´s einfach nicht lassen auf dich drauf zu treten
    Du spürst die Blicke und du weißt du bist hier nicht willkommen hier nicht willkommen
    Weil du hier keine Liebe bekommst
    Dieser Beton nennt sich Leben Junge
    Und das sind Kopfschmerzen
    Und dieser Kopfschmerz lässt sich in nem Loch sterben
    Und keiner antwortet dir..
    Ich bin wie du und die wie ich..
    Es gibt eine Handvoll wie wir..
    Denn morgen ist ein neuer Tag
    Hör einfach auf dein Herz und versuch´s
    Aber glaub mir alles wird gut


    Und wenn sie meinen du stehst nie wieder auf
    Dann lass sie reden Junge
    Zeig ihnen das ist dein Traum du wirst ihn leben
    Und beweis diesen Leuten die niemals an dich geglaubt haben
    Das was sie haben kannst du auch haben
    Denn wenn sie meinen du hast hier nix verloren dann zeig es ihnen
    Zeig es allen keiner hält dich mehr auf
    Komm lass dich fallen
    Heb den Kopf und blick einfach nach vorn und jetzt versuchs
    Ich sag versuchs alles wird gut

    [Verse 2:]

    Alles wird gut man du schaffst das schon
    Du bist den Neid und den Hass gewohnt
    Aber du hast Herz wann wird das belohnt?
    Und dieser Weg ist ein verdammtes Labyrinth
    Du hast Träume obwohl Schlafwandeln dir nichts bringt
    Hör auf dein Instinkt
    Hör nicht auf die Leute die Reden den du siehst selbst das deine Freunde hier stehen
    Sei deinen Freunden nah
    Doch deine Feind noch näher
    Vergessen ist einfach doch Verzeihen ist schwerer
    Bleib wie du bist auch wenn sie sagen, dass du nichts bist
    Mach es für dich glaub mir Mann sonst packst du das nicht
    Und packst du das nicht, ja dann scheißen alle auf dich
    Dann bist du alles und nix
    Und vor allem ein Witz
    Lass dich nicht runterziehen
    Lass dich nicht unterkriegen
    Sie haben das gleiche Ziel
    Sind selber unzufrieden
    Auch wenn es hart ist
    Wir werden alle Helden sein auch wenn es nur für einen Tag ist YEAH..


    Und wenn sie meinen du stehst nie wieder auf
    Dann lass sie reden Junge
    Zeig ihnen das ist dein Traum du wirst ihn leben
    Und beweis diesen Leuten die niemals an dich geglaubt haben
    Das was sie haben kannst du auch haben
    Denn wenn sie meinen du hast hier nix verloren dann zeig es ihnen
    Zeig es allen keiner hält dich mehr auf
    Komm lass dich fallen
    Heb den Kopf und blick einfach nach vorn und jetzt versuchs
    Ich sag versuchs alles wird gut

    [Verse 3:]

    Und bist du unten drücken sie dich noch ein Stück tiefer..
    Noch ein Stück tiefer
    Noch ein Stück tiefer

    Steh, steh jetzt auf und zeig ihnen wer du bist denn..
    Bist du erst weg dann weint keiner mehr um dich

    Und bist du unten drücken sie dich noch ein Stück tiefer..
    Noch ein Stück tiefer
    Noch ein Stück tiefer

    Steh, steh jetzt auf und zeig ihnen wer du bist denn..
    Bist du erst weg dann weint keiner mehr um dich


    Und wenn sie meinen du stehst nie wieder auf
    Dann lass sie reden Junge
    Zeig ihnen das ist dein Traum du wirst ihn leben
    Und beweis diesen Leuten die niemals an dich geglaubt haben
    Das was sie haben kannst du auch haben
    Denn wenn sie meinen du hast hier nix verloren dann zeig es ihnen
    Zeig es allen keiner hält dich mehr auf
    Komm lass dich fallen
    Heb den Kopf und blick einfach nach vorn und jetzt versuchs
    Ich sag versuchs alles wird gut
    Ich liebe den Song. Ich mag Bushido eigentlich nicht, aber den Song find ich SEHR motivierend. Passt voll und ganz zu meinem Leben.

    Ein toller Songtext: My Chemical Romance - The Light Behind Your Eyes

    So long to all of my friends
    Every one of them met tragic ends
    With every passing day
    I'd be lying if I didn't say
    That I miss them all tonight
    And if they only knew what I would say

    If I could be with you tonight
    I would sing you to sleep
    Never let them take the light behind your eyes
    One day, I'll lose this fight
    As we fade in the dark
    Just remember you will always burn as bright

    Be strong, and hold my hand
    Time becomes for us, you'll understand
    We'll say goodbye today
    And I'm sorry how it ends this way
    If you promise not to cry
    Then I'll tell you just what I would say if I

    Could be with you tonight
    I would sing you to sleep
    Never let them take the light behind your eyes
    I'll fail and lose this fight
    Never fade in the dark
    Just remember that you will always burn as bright

    The light behind your eyes
    The light behind your...

    Sometimes we must grow stronger and
    You can't be stronger in the dark
    When I'm here no longer
    You must be stronger and if I

    Could be with you tonight
    I would sing you to sleep
    Never let them take the light behind your eyes
    I've failed and lost this fight
    Never fade in the dark
    Just remember you will always burn as bright

    The light behind your eyes

  2. Nach oben    #68
    Dabei seit
    ich höre die band zwar nicht mehr so wirklich, aber früher habe ich diesen song geliebt :3

    Brokencyde - Jealousy

    I'm seconds away from everything
    And anything that gets in my way I will break with energy
    Syndicating these thoughts are fading so vagrantly
    This rage in me won't leave, my existence is my everything!

    I can see this is something a little different
    It's the gift that god created and made it into an image
    It's all part of this I am a brain I'm not finished
    This is only the beginning of my writing experience

    So take everything away from me
    Cuz I don't want a piece of me connected to me and my crew
    So take everything away from me
    Cuz I don't want you end up doing what's wrong!

    You don't want a piece of me
    I can feel you when you reach for me
    You're just filled with jealousy [x2]
    Please don't take my breath from me
    You've taken all that's left of me
    You're just filled with jealousy [x2]

    Taken everything away for what you said.
    I can feel you everywhere.
    I can (not go)
    I can (not go)
    I can and will not go.
    Taken everything away for what you said.
    I do not wanna die without you (without you)

    You don't want a piece of me
    I can feel you when you reach for me
    You're just filled with jealousy [2x]
    Please don't take my breathe from me
    You've taken all that's left of me
    You're just filled with jealousy [2x]

    You take my existence, my existence is everything I had [4x]

    You don't want a piece of me
    I can feel you when you reach for me
    You're just filled with jealousy [2x]
    Please don't take my breathe from me
    You've taken all that's left of me
    You're just filled with jealousy [2x]

    You don't want a piece of me
    I can feel you when you reach for me
    You're just filled with jealousy [2x]
    Please don't take my breathe from me
    You've taken all that's left of me
    You're just filled with jealousy [2x]

  3. Nach oben    #69
    Avatar von amyybiersack
    Dabei seit
    Drones - Rise against
    Deep inside these burning buildings
    Voices died to be heard
    Years we spent teaching a lesson
    We ourselves had never learned

    And if strength is born from heartbreak
    Many mountains I could move
    And if walls could speak I'd pray
    That they would tell me what to do

    If you see me, please just walk on by, walk on by.
    Forget my name and I'll forget it too.
    Failed attempts at living simple lives, simple lives
    Always keep me coming back to you.

    No signs of life here, save the embers, the occasional flame,
    We'd know the way but can't remember, conception to the grave,
    Shout confessions from the greatest heights, where no one can hear,
    All my fears, my insecurities are falling like tears.

    If you see me, please just walk on by, walk on by.
    Forget my name and I'll forget it too.
    Failed attempts at living simple lives, simple lives
    Always keep me coming back to you.

    The drones will slave away, they're working overtime,
    They serve a faceless queen, they never question why.
    Disciples of a God, they neither live nor breathe, (I won't come back!)
    But we have bills to pay, yeah we have mouths to feed! (I won't come back!)
    I won't come back!

    And if you see me, please just walk on by, walk on by.
    Forget my name and I'll forget it too.
    Failed attempts at living simple lives, simple lives
    Always keep me coming back to you.

    I'm coming back to you!

  4. Nach oben    #70
    Avatar von PyramidGod
    Dabei seit
    Something has to change.
    Undeniable dilemma.
    Boredom's not a burden
    Anyone should bear.

    Constant over stimulation numbs me
    but I would not want
    you any other way.

    Not enough.
    I need more.
    Nothing seems to satisfy.
    I said,
    I don't want it.
    I just need it.
    To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.

    Finger deep within the borderline.
    Show me that you love me and that we belong together.
    Relax, turn around and take my hand.

    I can help you change
    tired moments into pleasure.
    Say the word and we'll be
    well upon our way.

    Blend and balance
    Pain and comfort
    Deep within you
    Till you will not want me any other way.

    Not enough.
    I need more.
    Nothing seems to satisfy.
    I said,
    I don't want it.
    I just need it.
    To breathe, to feel, to know I'm alive.

    Knuckle deep inside the borderline.
    This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to.
    Relax. Slip away.

    Something kinda sad about
    the way that things have come to be.
    Desensitized to everything.
    What became of subtlety?

    How can this mean anything to me
    If I really don't feel a thing at all?

    I’ll keep digging ‘till
    I feel something.

    Elbow deep inside the borderline.
    Show me that you love me and that we belong together.
    Shoulder deep within the borderline.
    Relax. Turn around and take my hand.

    Tool - Stinkfist

  5. Nach oben    #71
    Dabei seit
    Seremedy - No Escape

    So many voices in my head
    There is no way to end this
    So full of sin but in the way
    I never knew about this

    There was no choice I had to make
    These dreams are never ending
    I see you run away from me
    You will never know how I feel

    I cry in vain
    To break down on illusions made by me
    There's no escape
    These walls were made by my hands

    So many voices in my head
    So full of sin but it's okay
    I keep running away from me
    Right before my eyes
    I can see I wont breathe anymore
    (You will never know how I feel)

    I cry in vain
    To break down on illusions made by me
    There's no escape
    These walls were made by my hands
    I cry in vain
    To break down on illusions made by me
    There's no escape
    These walls were made by my hands

    I cry in vain
    To break down on illusions made by me
    There's no escape
    These walls were made by my hands
    I cry in vain
    To break down on illusions made by me
    There's no escape
    These walls were made by my hands

  6. Nach oben    #72
    Avatar von T.K.
    Dabei seit
    Skrillex - Scary Mosnters and nice Sprites

    YES OH MY GOD !!!!!!

    Wie wenige Text manchmal reicht

  7. Nach oben    #73
    Avatar von Siastar99
    Dabei seit
    Black veil Brides ritual

    Praying for what your heart brings Thoughts of escape and bloodshot eyes You're barely sleeping, no longer dreaming Now what you do to feel alive Rise up and celebrate your life We're not alone in our ritual Sing for what you feel inside Becoming one with our ritual Singing songs of the old days Try to remember what's gone by Stronger in new ways Don't care what they say, This is your life It's time to rejoice Rise up and celebrate your life We're not alone in our ritual Sing for what you feel inside Becoming one with our ritual Our destiny is what we learned Together wanting something more Their misery and demons burn A feeling that's worth fighting for[x2:] Rise up and celebrate your life We're not alone in our ritual Sing for what you feel inside Becoming one with our ritual Becoming one with our ritual

    Ich liebe dieses Lied *.*

  8. Nach oben    #74
    Avatar von Sakuya
    Dabei seit
    Regle mich, kontrolliere mich und meinen Wahn.
    Halt mich ruhig, pump mich voll Drogen, du weißt was sonst passieren kann.

    Lösch die Gedanken
    dann fessle mich ans Bett.
    Schließ die Tür, schließ gut ab
    und wirf den Schlüssel weg.

    Ihr draußen vor der Tür,
    ihr seid nur glitzernde Fassaden.
    Ihr irrt erblindet durch die Straßen.
    Doch schneidet man ein wenig tiefer,
    verliert den Glanz, die Maskerade.

    Doch schneidet man ein wenig tiefer,
    verliert den Glanz, die Maskerade.

    Habt mich geformt, habt mich genormt
    habt mich belogen und betrogen
    und das mein ganzes Leben lang.

    Habt meinen Willen deformiert,
    habt meine Würde korrumpiert,
    habt mir das Hirn verbogen,
    gefüllt mir meinen Waffenschrank.

    Nun bin ich euch zu Dank verpflichtet,
    denn ihr allein gabt mir die Kraft,
    nahmt mir die Hoffnung, lehrtet mich Hassen
    habt letztlich blutgeil mich gemacht.

    Jetzt ist es zeit die Tür zu öffnen,
    reiß meine Fesseln mir vom Leib.

    Dann sieh mich an,
    sieh was ich kann,
    wenn von uns zwei nur einer bleibt.

    Werde durch eure Straßen wandeln,
    und darauf freue ich mich sehr.
    werde unter euch dann sein,
    werde Wahrheit nun verbreiten.

    Wahr allein, ist mein Gewehr.

    Werde durch eure Straßen wandeln,
    und darauf freue ich mich sehr.
    werd unter euch dann sein, werd Wahrheit nun verbreiten.
    Wahr allein, ist mein Gewehr.
    Eisregen - Blutgeil

  9. Nach oben    #75

    Dabei seit
    Schwer zu sagen, ich beschäftige mich fast täglich mit Songtexten und es gibt sehr viele Lieblingstexte...Müsste ich mich spontan entscheiden wäre es wohl Going Under von Evanescence weil er meine Vergangenheit beschreibt und teilweise auch noch die Gegenwart:
    Now I will tell you what I've done for you
    Fifty-thousand tears I've cried
    Screaming, deceiving and bleeding for you
    And you still won't hear me (I'm going under)
    Don't want your hand this time I'll save myself
    Maybe I'll wake up for once (wake up for once)
    Not tormented daily defeated by you
    Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom
    I'm dying again

    I'm going under (going under)
    Drowning in you (drowning in you)
    I'm falling forever (falling forever)
    I've got to break through
    I'm going under

    Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies
    So I don't know what's real and what's not
    Always confusing the thoughts in my head
    So I can't trust myself anymore
    I'm dying again

    I'm going under (going under)
    Drowning in you (drowning in you)
    I'm falling forever (falling forever)
    I've got to break through

    So go on and scream
    Scream at me I'm so far away
    I won't be broken again
    I've got to breathe I can't keep going under

    I'm dying again

    I'm going under (going under)
    Drowning in you (drowning in you)
    I'm falling forever (falling forever)
    I've got to break through

    I'm going under (going under)
    Going under (drowning in you)
    I'm going under

  10. Nach oben    #76

    Dabei seit
    Zitat Zitat von Angel.Vs.Devil Beitrag anzeigen
    I cannot hide what’s on my mind
    I feel it burning deep inside
    A passion crime to take what’s mine
    Let us start living for today

    Never gonna’ change my mind
    We can leave it all behind
    Nothin’s gonna’ stop us
    No not this time

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song
    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    My outlaw eyes have seen their lies
    I choke on all they had to say
    When worlds collide what’s left inside
    I hold on tight and hear you pray

    Never gonna’ change my mind
    We can leave it all behind
    Nothin’s gonna’ stop us
    No not this time

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song
    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    Wild and running for one reason
    They can’t stop us from our freedom
    (Wild and running for one reason
    They can’t stop us from our freedom)

    Never gonna’ change my mind
    We can leave it all behind
    Nothin’s gonna’ stop us
    No not this time

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song
    Ich liebe dieses Lied...absoluter Lieblingssong von BVB

  11. Nach oben    #77
    Avatar von Under Algiz
    Dabei seit
    Your soul is calling me
    I see the fullmoon high above!
    I am closing my eyes and I’m dreaming of your love!

    You’re so far away from me
    I am pain and agony,
    And you think that between us stands my belief
    You're right with this, we're both alone, tell me - what shall I do!
    Forever I am Satans son, for ever I love you.

    I love you, I look up, see you in heaven high above
    It hurts, It hurts, I close my eyes... I’m dreaming of your love!
    Take me as I am as I will take you as you are
    Sign of your love, infinity, wazing up in dark

    My trial has been without success, forever Satans son
    And you, daughter of God - in my dreams we live as one

    Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming of your love!
    I love you! I am dreaming, dreaming of your love!
    Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming of your love! I love you! I am dreaming! Dreaming!

  12. Nach oben    #78

    Dabei seit

    Rise Against-Re Education (Trough Labor)

    To the sound of a heartbeat pounding away
    To the rhythym of the awful rusty machines
    We toss and turn but don't sleep
    Each breath we take makes us thieves
    Like causes without rebels
    Just talk but promise nothing else

    We crawl on our knees for you
    Under a sky no longer blue
    We sweat all day long for you
    But we sow seeds to see us through
    'cause sometimes dreams just don't come true
    We wait to reap what we are due

    To the rhythm of a time bomb ticking away
    And the blare of the sirens combing the streets
    Chased down like dogs we run from
    Your grasp until the sun comes up

    We crawl on our knees for you
    Under a sky no longer blue
    We sweat all day long for you
    But we sow seeds to see us through
    'cause sometimes dreams just don't come true
    Look now at what they've done to you

    White needles buried in the red
    The engine roars and then it gives
    But never dies
    'cause we don't live
    We just survive
    On the scraps that you throw away

    I won't crawl on my knees for you
    I won't believe the lies that hide the truth
    I won't sweat one more drop for you
    'cause we are the rust upon your gears
    We are the insect in your ears
    We crawl, We crawl, We crawl
    ...all over you

    We sow seeds to see us through
    Our days are precious and so few
    We all reap what we are due
    A judge's sky no longer blue
    We bring the dawn all over new
    We crawl, And we crawl, And we crawl
    ...all over you

    EDIT: Hier noch ein Link für nicht englisch begabte

  13. Nach oben    #79
    Avatar von PyramidGod
    Dabei seit
    Im alten Haus brennt wieder Licht
    Doch das kannst Du nicht mehr sehen
    Das Augenlicht längst erloschen
    Alles taub und schwarz

    Die Augen ausgekratzt
    Die Fingerspitzen abgeschält und ausgebrannt
    Gebrochene Nase, blutig und verkrustet
    Aus den Ohren wächst ein Gestrüpp aus Draht
    Die Zunge mit der Schere rausgeschnitten
    Angst, Paranoia!

    Das Haus verwittert, auf den Klippen zum Meer
    Zerfressen von Zeit, Enttäuschung und Wut
    Der Nebel verschleiert alles, was war
    Im Inneren ausgeweidet, leblos und starr

    Verstümmelt, reglos liegst Du da
    Denkst, da muss doch jemand sein
    Kannst nichts sehen, nichts hören nichts spüren
    Begreifst es nicht, Du bist allein
    Du liegst da und bist ein Krüppel
    Das wolltest Du immer sein
    Hast Dich selbst so zugerichtet
    Und stirbst für Dich allein

    Fäulnis - Grauen

  14. Nach oben    #80

    Dabei seit

    My chemical Romance - Teenager

    They're gonna clean up your looks*
    With all the lies in the books*
    To make a citizen out of you*
    Because they sleep with a gun*
    And keep an eye on you, son*
    So they can watch all the things you do*

    Because the drugs never work*
    They gonna give you a smirk*
    'Cause they got methods of keeping you clean*
    They gonna rip up your heads*
    Your aspirations to shreds*
    Another cog in the murder machine*

    They say that teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me*
    They could care less as long as someone'll bleed*
    So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose*
    Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me*

    The boys and girls in the clique*
    The awful names that they stick*
    You're never gonna fit in much, kid*
    But if you're troubled and hurt*
    What you got under your shirt*
    We'll make them pay for the things that they did*

    They say that teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me*
    They could care less as long as someone'll bleed*
    So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose*
    Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me*
    Ohh yeah!*

    They say that teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me*
    They could care less as long as someone'll bleed*
    So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose*
    Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me*
    All together now!*

    Teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me*
    They could care less as long as someone'll bleed*
    So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose*
    Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me*

    Teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me*
    They could care less as long as someone'll bleed*
    So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose*
    Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

    deutsche Übersetzung :
    Sie werden dein Äußeres in ihre Norm pressen
    Mit allen Lügen, die man so kennt
    Um einen (braven) Bürger aus dir zu machen
    Denn sie sind über-wachsam
    Und behalten dich im Auge, Junge
    Damit sie sehen, was du so alles treibst

    Weil die Drogen nie funktionieren
    Lächeln sie nur mitleidig
    Denn sie haben die Mittel, dich clean zu halten [1]
    Sie werden in eure Köpfe hineinsehen
    Und eure Ziele in Stücke reißen
    Sodaß ihr nur ein weiteres Rädchen in der Mordmaschine seid

    Sie sagen, daß Jugendliche ihnen eine Heidenangst machen
    Ihnen ist alles egal, solange jemand den Preis bezahlt
    Also trag dunkle Kleider oder mach einen auf gewalttätig
    Vielleicht lassen sie dich dann in Ruhe - aber mich nicht

    Die Jungs und Mädels in der Clique
    Diese schlimmen Spitznamen, die sie einem geben
    Du wirst nie richtig dazugehören, Kleiner
    Doch wenn du in Sorge bist und verletzt
    Was du zu verstecken suchst
    Dann werden wir sie für das bezahlen lassen, was sie dir angetan haben


  15. Nach oben    #81
    Avatar von Lolface
    Dabei seit
    Speyer(nahe mannheim)

    Slipknot - Metabolic

    Gone - I couldn't murder your promise
    Right before my eyes
    The revolutions of my psychosis
    Kept me outta the way

    Once - inside - all I hold is ash...

    Fail - suppressing every feeling
    I'm in so much pain
    I have every fuckin' right to hate you
    I can't take it!

    The hardest part was knowing that I could never be you
    Now all I do is sit around and wish I could forget you

    My demise - I took a life worth living and
    Made it worth a mockery
    I deny - I fold, but they keep on coming
    (Stop) I'm always ready to die
    But you're killing me

    Who are you to me? Who am I to you?
    Is this a lesson in nepotistic negligence?
    By default, you are my only link to the outside
    Psychosomatic suicide
    Where were you when I was down?
    Can you show me a way...
    To face everyday with this face - goodbye

    My demise - I took a life worth living and
    Made it worth a mockery
    I deny - I fold, but they keep on coming
    (Stop) I'm always ready to die
    But you're killing me

    When I blur my eyes, they make the whole
    World breath - I see you fucking me
    And I am absolutely controlling every urge
    To mutilate - the one and only answer
    So much for memories...
    I wanna dress in your insecurities
    And be the perfect human - I'm through
    I'm out-stretched out for all to loathe
    Here we go - the ultimate irony

  16. Nach oben    #82
    Avatar von LissyEmo xD
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    My Chemical Romance - Summertime

    Ich liebe diesen Text *-*

    When the lights go out
    Will you take me with you
    And carry all this broken bone
    Through six years down in crowded rooms
    And highways I call home?
    Something I can't know 'til now.
    'Til you pick me off the ground
    With a brick in hand, your lip-gloss smile,
    Your scraped-up knees.

    And if you stay I would even wait all night
    Or until my heart explodes.
    How long?
    'Til we find our way in the dark and out of harm
    You can run away with me anytime you want

    Terrified of what I'd be
    As a kid from what I've seen
    Every single day when people try
    And put the pieces back together
    Just to smash them down
    Turn my headphones up real loud
    I don't think I need them now
    'Cause you stopped the noise.

    And if you stay I would even wait all night
    Or until my heart explodes.
    How long?
    'Til we find our way in the dark and out of harm
    You can run away with me anytime you want

    Well, anytime you want
    Well, anytime you want

    Don't walk away*[3x]

    'Cause if you stay I would even wait all night
    Or until my heart explodes.
    How long?
    Until we find our way in the dark and out of harm.
    You can run away with me
    You can write it on your arm
    You can run away with me anytime you want

  17. Nach oben    #83
    Avatar von LissyEmo xD
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    Sleeping with Sirens - Gold

    All we want, what we want is
    All we want is gold
    Sun sets on my mind
    Pull the windows down in the van
    Lost my map on the Jersey turnpike
    But it's okay we ain't looking back

    All we ever want is gold
    One way on this winding road

    We made our mistakes
    It's not too late
    We had to learn the hard way
    Bridges will burn
    Now it's our turn
    We had to learn the hard way
    Because all we ever want is gold
    We made our mistakes
    It's not too late
    We had to learn the hard way

    It's two in the morning
    Can't seem to find the words for a song
    I remember my dreams and how fun they seem
    I can't believe how far we have come
    Cause all we ever want is gold
    So is sixty miles on this open road

    We made our mistakes
    It's not too late
    We had to learn the hard way
    Bridges will burn
    Now it's our turn
    We had to learn the hard way
    Because all we ever want is gold
    We made our mistakes
    It's not too late
    We had to learn the hard way

    Don't lose your faith in me (Don't ever look like, don't ever look like)
    It's never what it seems
    You make your mistakes
    But it's never too late
    We had to learn the hard way
    You made your mistakes
    It's not too late
    You had to learn the hard way
    Bridges will burn
    Now it's your turn
    You had to learn the hard way
    Cause all we ever want is gold
    All we ever want is gold (We had to learn the hard way)
    All we want, what we want is
    All we want is gold
    All we want, what we want is
    All we want is gold

  18. Nach oben    #84
    Avatar von Emoco
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    nähe Dresden

    Blood On The Dance Floor - Bewitched


    you're attractive, little witch
    you're beautiful (beautiful)
    your wickedness, little witch
    you broke my heart (I broke your heart )

    intruding words, little witch
    you cast a spell ( I cast my spell)
    mass destroyer, little witch
    my beautiful apocalypse

    you got me bewitched
    cause' I'm under your spell (oh-ohh-oh)
    you must be a witch
    cause' I'm living in hell (ohh-oh-ohh)

    now is the time, now is the hour,
    I am the magic, I am the power,
    all I need is one star in the sky
    wish for you every night

    I tricked you to fall in love, little boy
    I played with you till' I was done, like a toy
    you're in love, as I destroy the end of you (the end of me )
    so easily fooled, little boy to think it's true

    you got me bewitched
    cause' I'm under your spell (oh-ohh-oh)
    you must be a witch
    cause' I'm living in hell (ohh-oh-ohh)

    now is the time, now is the hour,
    I am the magic, I am the power,
    all I need is one star in the sky
    wish for you every night

    now is the time, now is the hour
    to take back my heart,
    to take back my power
    this is the moment
    to break your spell
    I see right through you,
    now burn in hell (you're gone ) (x2)

    now is the time, now is the hour
    to take back my heart,
    to take back my power
    this is the moment
    to break your spell
    I see right through you,
    (burn in hell witch)

    you got me bewitched
    cause' I'm under your spell (oh-ohh-oh)
    you must be a witch
    cause' I'm living in hell (ohh-oh-ohh)

    now is the time, now is the hour,
    I am the magic, I am the power,
    all I need is one star in the sky
    wish for you every night

  19. Nach oben    #85
    Avatar von Yass
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    Have Faith in Me Lyrics

    Have faith in me
    'Cause there are things that I've seen I don't believe
    So cling to what you know and never let go
    You should know things aren't always what they seem

    I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
    I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
    If you didn't have this chance then I never did
    You'll always find me right there, again

    I've gone crazy
    'Cause there are things in the streets I don't believe
    So we'll pretend it's alright and stay in for the night
    What a world
    I'll keep you safe here with me

    I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
    I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
    If you didn't have this chance then I never did
    You'll always find me right there, again

    I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
    I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
    If you didn't have this chance then I never did
    You'll always find me right there, again

    They've got me on the outside, looking in
    But I can't see at all
    With the weight of the world on my shoulders,
    They just wanna see me fall

    They've got me on the outside, looking in
    But i can't see at all
    With the weight of the world on my shoulders,
    They just wanna see me fall

    Have faith in me

    I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
    I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
    If you didn't have this chance then I never did
    You'll always find me right there, again

    I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
    I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
    If you didn't have this chance then I never did
    You'll always find me right there, again

    I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
    I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
    I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
    I said I'd never let you go, and I never did

  20. Nach oben    #86
    Avatar von its time
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    irgendwo im nirgendwo ... also direkt neben dir *-*/// xD

    Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day

    Des Lied *-* : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soa3gO7tL-c


    I walk a lonely road
    The only one that I have ever known
    Don't know where it goes
    But it's home to me and I walk alone

    I walk this empty street
    On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
    Where the city sleeps
    and I'm the only one and I walk alone

    I walk alone
    I walk alone

    I walk alone
    I walk a...

    My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
    My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
    Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
    'Til then I walk alone

    Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,
    Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah

    I'm walking down the line
    That divides me somewhere in my mind
    On the border line
    Of the edge and where I walk alone

    Read between the lines
    What's fucked up and everything's alright
    Check my vital signs
    I know I'm still alive and I walk alone

    I walk alone
    I walk alone

    I walk alone
    I walk a...

    My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
    My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
    Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
    'Til then I walk alone

    Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah
    Ah-ah, Ah-ah

    I walk alone
    I walk a...

    I walk this empty street
    On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
    Where the city sleeps
    And I'm the only one and I walk a...

    My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
    My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
    Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
    'Til then I walk alone...

    Allerdings find ich Black veil Birdes - knives and pens auch gut ;D

  21. Nach oben    #87
    Avatar von Larissa
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    Zitat Zitat von Angel.Vs.Devil Beitrag anzeigen
    I cannot hide what’s on my mind
    I feel it burning deep inside
    A passion crime to take what’s mine
    Let us start living for today

    Never gonna’ change my mind
    We can leave it all behind
    Nothin’s gonna’ stop us
    No not this time

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song
    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    My outlaw eyes have seen their lies
    I choke on all they had to say
    When worlds collide what’s left inside
    I hold on tight and hear you pray

    Never gonna’ change my mind
    We can leave it all behind
    Nothin’s gonna’ stop us
    No not this time

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song
    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    Wild and running for one reason
    They can’t stop us from our freedom
    (Wild and running for one reason
    They can’t stop us from our freedom)

    Never gonna’ change my mind
    We can leave it all behind
    Nothin’s gonna’ stop us
    No not this time

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    <3 <3 <3 <3

  22. Nach oben    #88
    Avatar von ryancookie
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    Deno - Stillgelegt

    [Part I:]
    Lieg seit Tagen in meinem Bett und starr die Decke an
    Hab die Hoffnung längst verloren weil sie nichts retten kann
    Hab mich aufgegeben, lauf auf die Klippen zu
    Ich sollte springen bevor das innere Gewissen ruft
    Völlig abgemagert, blass und leer
    Steh nicht mehr auf weil jeder Schritt eine Belastung wär
    Das Handy klingelt, doch ich geh nicht ran
    Sie wollen wissen wies mir geht
    Will gerade nicht reden, weil ichs eh nicht kann
    Die Rollos unten und das Licht ist aus
    Auf dem Nachtschrank neben mir bildet sich dichter Staub
    Mal mit dem Finger ein Gesicht darauf
    Die Mundwinkel nach unten
    Schaut irgendwie etwas finster aus
    Ich spür nichts mehr und wenn doch nicht viel
    Es kommt mir vor als wär das Loch in dem ich hock zu tief
    Ich habs versucht, doch komme nicht an mich ran
    Dreh mich nach rechts doch halt den Blick an der Wand
    Ich halt den Blick an der Wand

    Und es scheint, als wär die Welt
    Auf einmal wie gelähmt
    Dünne Wände werden zu Mauern
    Alles wirkt wie stillgelegt

    [Part II:]
    Ich fühl mich irgendwie zu Hause gefangen
    Bin ich mal zwei Minuten gut drauf, hält die Laune nicht an
    Und nach dem Regen kommt die Sonne
    Kann sie weit und breit nicht sehn
    Möglicherweiße ist es Zeit für mich zu gehn
    Hab die Gedanken nicht im Griff sondern sie mich
    Und das schon ewig
    Hab versucht ihnen zu erklären was mit mir ist
    Doch wer versteht mich?
    Irgendwie bleibt alles gleich
    Nichts verändert sich
    Kein Bild entsteht
    In meinem Kopf alles regungslos, stillgelegt

    [Hook 2x]

  23. Nach oben    #89
    Avatar von Mariex
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    Lyrics / Songtexte

    Ich liebe Songtexte aber meistens suche ich mir 1-2 Sätze die mir besonders gefallen raus wie von Sleeping with Sirens (jajaja ein emo xd) ´Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly` oder von Bmth (wieder kein Emo ((denk ich)) xd) I can´t drown my demons the know how to swim` weil diese Teile mich einfach irgendwie so beschreiben .. Ich könnte jetzt noch 12863 Song-teile von verschiedenen Bands aufzählen aber ich lasse das mal c:

  24. Nach oben    #90
    Avatar von Mylittlehorror
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    Ich kommentiere hier jetzt einfach mal mit dem Emo Anthem/ Mating Call

    *G note on the piano*

    When I was a young boy,
    My father took me into the city
    To see a marching band.

    He said, "Son when you grow up,
    Would you be the savior of the broken,
    The beaten and the damned?"
    He said "Will you defeat them,
    Your demons, and all the non-believers,
    The plans that they have made?"
    "Because one day I'll leave you,
    A phantom to lead you in the summer,
    To join The Black Parade."

    When I was a young boy,
    My father took me into the city
    To see a marching band.
    He said, "Son when you grow up,
    Would you be the saviour of the broken,
    The beaten and the damned?"

    Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me.
    And other times I feel like I should go.
    And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.
    And when you're gone we want you all to know.

    We'll carry on,
    We'll carry on
    And though you're dead and gone believe me
    Your memory will carry on
    We'll carry on
    And in my heart I can't contain it
    The anthem won't explain it.

    A world that sends you reeling from decimated dreams
    Your misery and hate will kill us all.
    So paint it black and take it back
    Let's shout it loud and clear
    Defiant to the end we hear the call

    To carry on
    We'll carry on
    And though you're dead and gone believe me
    Your memory will carry on
    We'll carry on
    And though you're broken and defeated
    Your weary widow marches

    On and on we carry through the fears
    Ooh oh ohhhh
    Disappointed faces of your peers
    Ooh oh ohhhh
    Take a look at me cause I could not care at all

    Do or die, you'll never make me
    Because the world will never take my heart
    Go and try, you'll never break me
    We want it all, we wanna play this part
    I won't explain or say I'm sorry
    I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar
    Give a cheer for all the broken
    Listen here, because it's who we are
    I'm just a man, I'm not a hero
    Just a boy, who had to sing this song
    I'm just a man, I'm not a hero

    We'll carry on
    We'll carry on
    And though you're dead and gone believe me
    Your memory will carry on
    We'll carry on
    And though you're broken and defeated
    Your weary widow marches on

    Do or die, you'll never make me
    Because the world will never take my heart
    Go and try, you'll never break me
    We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)

    Do or die, you'll never make me (We'll carry on)
    Because the world will never take my heart (We'll carry on)
    Go and try, you'll never break me
    We want it all, we wanna play this part
    (We'll carry on!)

    Ich geh jz in meine dunkle Ecke und heule

  25. Nach oben    #91
    Avatar von Mylittlehorror
    Dabei seit
    Zitat Zitat von Angel.Vs.Devil Beitrag anzeigen
    I cannot hide what’s on my mind
    I feel it burning deep inside
    A passion crime to take what’s mine
    Let us start living for today

    Never gonna’ change my mind
    We can leave it all behind
    Nothin’s gonna’ stop us
    No not this time

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song
    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    My outlaw eyes have seen their lies
    I choke on all they had to say
    When worlds collide what’s left inside
    I hold on tight and hear you pray

    Never gonna’ change my mind
    We can leave it all behind
    Nothin’s gonna’ stop us
    No not this time

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song
    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    Wild and running for one reason
    They can’t stop us from our freedom
    (Wild and running for one reason
    They can’t stop us from our freedom)

    Never gonna’ change my mind
    We can leave it all behind
    Nothin’s gonna’ stop us
    No not this time

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    So take your hand in mine
    It’s ours tonight
    This is a Rebel Love Song

    Hearts will sacrifice
    It’s do or die
    This is a Rebel Love Song
    Ich tue jz mal so, als könnte ich nicht den gesamten Song auswendig xD

  26. Nach oben    #92

    Dabei seit
    Lord of the lost-See you soon

    Will you tell me-
    See you soon in a while
    when my eyes fade
    please give me your smile
    And even dark nights
    are ending in down
    you have time to cry
    when i'm gone...

  27. Nach oben    #93
    Dabei seit
    von Akira Yamaoka Room of Angel

    Your lie, silent there before me
    Your tears, they mean nothing to me
    The wind howling at the window
    The love you never gave
    I give to you.

    You really don't deserve it
    But now there's nothing you can do
    So sleep in your only memory
    Of me, my dearest mother.

    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes (goodbye)
    It was always you that I despised
    I don't feel enough for you to cry (oh well)
    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes

    So insignificant sleeping dormant deep inside of me
    Are you hiding away lost
    Under the sewers, maybe flying high in the clouds
    Perhaps you're happy without me

    So many seeds have been sown in the field
    And who could sprout up so blessedly, If I had died
    I would have never felt sad at all
    You will not hear me say I'm sorry
    Where is the light, I wonder if it's weeping somewhere

    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes (goodbye)
    It was always you that I despised
    I don't feel enough for you to cry (oh well)
    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes

    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes (goodbye)
    It was always you that I despised
    I don't feel enough for you to cry (oh well)
    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes

    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes (goodbye)
    It was always you that I despised
    I don't feel enough for you to cry (oh well)
    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes

    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes (goodbye)
    It was always you that I despised
    I don't feel enough for you to cry (oh well)
    Here's a lullaby to close your eyes

  28. Nach oben    #94
    Avatar von nordstern
    Dabei seit
    Es gibt viele Lieder, die ich nicht missen möchte, z.B. nur zu Besuch (tote Hosen), noch ein Leben (PUR), glory to the brave (Hammerfall), stirb nicht vor mir (Rammstein), nur en Söldner (Bligg), Schwan (Gölä), ...

    Für mich ist ist Göläs Hit "Schwan" seit 3 Jahren am aller wichtigsten. Ich hänge die Übersetzung unten dran für alle, die kein Berndeutsch verstehen

    Ä Spange im Muul, ä Bröue im Gsicht,
    Zöpfli u schlächt im Turnunterricht.
    So mänge blöde witz het si denn
    über sich müesse lah gah.

    Ufem Schuelwäg isch si geng alleini cho
    u geng we mir si höch hei gno,
    het si di Gschicht verzeut
    vom graue Änteli
    u was es de schpäter isch gsi...

    Ref: En Schwan so wiess wiä Schnee,
    vergässe was isch gsche
    und d Flügel trage se so wit
    wos keini Grenze meh git.
    En Schwan so wiess wiä Schnee
    vergässe was isch gsche yeah
    und d Flügel trage se so wit
    wos keini Grenze meh git
    für dä Schwan so wiess wiä Schnee..

    Nach de Schuel han I nümm vo're ghört,
    das hett mi no mängisch gschtört.
    I hätt ire doch so gärn gseit,
    das, wo denn isch gscheh, das tuet mr leid

    U grad vo letscht, da hocke I ire
    Beiz, da seit ä Stimm zu mir:
    "Sälü, wie geit's?"

    Träie mi um u hase fasch nümm kennt
    u wo si so vor mer steit...
    ... chunnt's mer d'Sinn was si denn het gseit.

    Ä Schwan so wiss wie Schnee,
    vergässe was isch gscheh, yeah
    u d'Flügu trage si sowit,
    wöus keini Gränze meh git...
    Ä Schwan so wiss wie Schnee,
    vergässe was isch gscheh, yeah
    u d'Flügu trage si sowit,
    wöus keini Gränze meh git...
    für de Schwan so wiss wie Schnee.

    (2x)Ä Schwan so wiss wie Schnee,
    vergässe was isch gscheh, yeah
    u d'Flügu trage si sowit,
    wöus keini Gränze meh git...
    Ä Schwan so wiss wie Schnee,
    vergässe was isch gscheh, yeah
    u d'Flügu trage si sowit,
    wöus keini Gränze meh git...
    für de Schwan so wiss wie Schnee.

    (Deutsche Übersetzung

    Eine Zahnspange im Mund, eine Brille im Gesicht
    Zöpfe und schlecht im Turnunterricht
    So manch blöden Witz musste sie über sich ergehen lassen

    Auf dem Schulweg war sie dann alleine unterwegs
    und immer wenn wir sie auf den Arm nahmen
    hat sie die Geschichte erzählt vom grauen Entchen
    und was es dann später mal war

    Ein Schwan so weiss wie Schnee
    vergessen was passiert ist
    und Flügel tragen sie soweit
    wo es keine Grenzen mehr gibt.........

    Nach der Schule habe ich nichts mehr von ihr gehört
    das hat mich noch manchmal gestört
    ich hätte ihr gerne gesagt
    das, was damals geschah, das tut mir leid

    und gerade letzthin sass ich in einer Beiz (Kneipe)
    das sagt ne Stimme zu mir:
    Hoi, wie geht es?

    Drehe mich um und habe sie fast nicht mehr erkannt
    Und wo sie so vor mir steht
    ... das kommt es mir in den Sinn, was sie damals sagte

    Ein Schwan so weiss wie Schnee
    vergessen was passiert ist
    und Flügel tragen sie soweit
    wo es keine Grenzen mehr gibt.........
    für den Schwan so weiss wie Schnee)

  29. Nach oben    #95

    Dabei seit
    Till It Happens To You - Lady Gaga

    You tell me hold your head up
    Hold your head up and be strong
    Cause when you fall you gotta get up
    You gotta get up and move on

    Tell me how the hell could you talk,
    How could you talk
    Losing till you walk where I walk,
    This is no joke

    Till It happens to you, you don't know how it feels, how it feels
    Until it happens to you, you won't know, it won't be real
    No it won't real
    I know how it feels

    Till your world burns and crashes
    Till you're at the end, the end of your rope
    Till you're standing in my shoes
    I don't wanna hear a thing or two from you, from you, from you

    Till it happens to you
    You don't know how I feel, how I feel, how I feel
    Until it happens to you, you won't know, it won't be real
    No it won't real
    I know how it feels
    Till it happens you
    Happens to you
    Happens to you
    Happens to you
    Happens to you
    Till it happens you
    You won't know how I feel

  30. Nach oben    #96
    Dabei seit

    Pierce the veil - Hell above

    Vor allem die ersten Zeilen habens mir angetan, seitdem es mir selbst ein wenig so geht

    I cannot spend another night in this home
    I close my eyes and take a breath real slow
    The consequence is if I leave I'm alone
    But what's the difference when you beg for love?

    As I run through glass in the street
    Kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
    And take the face of the wolf

    'Cause this is a wasteland, my only retreat
    With heaven above you, there's hell over me

    I met a girl who never looked so alone
    Like sugar water in your mouth lukewarm
    She tied a cherry stem for me with her tongue
    We fell in love and now we're both alone

    'Cause I don't need any more friends
    And another kiss like a fire on pavement
    We'll burn it down till the end

    Oh, oh

    This is a wasteland, my only retreat
    With heaven above you, there's hell over me

    The water is rusted, the air is unclean.
    And there for a second I feel free
    This is a wasteland, my only retreat

    I've waited all this night to honor you and say,
    "I know it's hard, but who are you to fall apart on me, on me?"

    This is a wasteland, my only retreat
    With heaven above you, there's hell over me

    'Cause this is a wasteland, my only retreat
    With heaven above you, there's hell over me

    You said what about us, well, what about me?
    Hang from the gallows asleep in the rain
    'Cause this is a wasteland, my only retreat
    Paralyze me
    Don't let me jump, don't let me fall

  31. Nach oben    #97
    Avatar von Tali
    Dabei seit
    Emil Bulls - Knight In Shining Armour

    Hey princess
    I'm your knight in shining armour
    Come jump on my horse,
    Take a ride with me in the starlight
    My fulgent lance will hit the dragons & the robbers
    My sword will keep this dream alive

    I don't wanna wake up
    I don't wanna wake up
    Keep this dream alive
    I can't get enough so let's go for another ride
    I wanna sing - I wanna dance
    Let me take you all around the world tonight

    In my dream I am king
    So don't you ever dare to wake me
    I might loose the one
    Heaven's sent so save me
    My queen - Pristine
    With grace as pure as the driven snow
    I try to keep this dream alive

    I'm your knight in shining armour
    Get in the saddle
    I'm gonna show you my world
    I wanna sing - I wanna dance
    I just wanna fall in love tonight

    Let's escape into the beauty of the night
    'Cause when the morning wakes me
    All this will fade away
    Yeah, I gotta keep this dream alive
    Oh oh oh, I don't wanna, don't wanna,
    Don't wanna wake up

    Come on, let's keep this dream alive

    I don't wanna wake up
    I don't wanna wake up
    Keep this dream alive
    I can't get enough so let's go for another ride
    I wanna sing - I wanna dance
    Let me take you all around the world tonight

    I'm your knight in shining armour
    Get in the saddle
    I'm gonna show you my world
    I wanna sing - I wanna dance
    I just wanna fall in love tonight

  32. Nach oben    #98
    Avatar von Tobey
    Dabei seit
    Johnny Cash
    And PBR
    Jack Daniels
    Bill Gates
    Smith and Wesson
    Pale Face
    Heavy Metal

    I am
    What you fear most
    I am
    What you need
    I am
    What you made me
    I am
    The American dream

    I'm not selling out
    I'm buying in

    I will not be forgotten
    This is my time to shine
    I've got the scars to prove it
    Only the strong survive
    I'm not afraid of dying
    Everyone has their time
    I've never favored weakness
    Welcome to the pride

    White House
    And Mickey Mouse
    John Wayne
    James Dean
    Text me
    Brett Favre
    King James

    I am
    All American
    I am
    Living the dream
    I am
    What you fear most
    I am

    I'm not selling out
    I'm buying in

    I will not be forgotten
    This is my time to shine
    I've got the scars to prove it
    Only the strong survive
    I'm not afraid of dying
    Everyone has their time
    I've never favored weakness
    Welcome to the pride

    Since the dawn of time
    Only the strong have survived
    I will not be forgotten
    Welcome to the pride

    Heyy heyy heyy yaaa [x3]
    Only the strong survive
    Heyy heyy heyy yaaa [x3]
    Welcome to the pride

    I will not be forgotten
    This is my time to shine
    I've got the scars to prove it
    Only the strong survive
    I'm not afraid of dying
    Everyone has their time
    I've never favored weakness
    Welcome to the pride

    Das lied is von "Five Finger Death Punch - The Pride"

  33. Nach oben    #99

    Dabei seit

    Das Herz

    Das Herz

    Ich habe ihr mein Herz geschenkt
    Doch jetzt friert es vor der tür
    Niemand kommt und geht es holen
    und so liegt es da am boden
    und hat schmerzen kann nicht weinen
    weil die Tränen sonst vereisen
    und es schaut zu gott hinauf
    doch er hilft dem herz nicht auf
    und so brennt das licht dann aus
    das Herz ist kalt das Herz wird böse
    und es hat auch dicke klöten
    also geht es frauen ficken
    doch es bringt nichts es bleibt kalt
    es baucht Wärme und kein Sex
    doch die Liebe sie ist weg
    und es findet sie nichtmehr
    ganz egal wo es sucht
    es ist ebbe und nicht flut
    nun Das Herz hört einen Ruf
    er ist warm er tut gut
    und das Herz hört ihm auch zu
    darum stirbt es für den ruf
    und folgt ihr in den tod

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